Gut instinct is
no longer enough

We help you understand, track, and know what your competitors are doing so that you can equip every department of your business with the knowledge they need to remain competitive.

We Solve Your Four Primary Challenges.

Who are my real competitors?

Many businesses struggle to identify their true competitors. We precisely map and identify your direct and emerging competitors.

When should you react to competitor moves? How do I respond?

The market never stands still, and competitors continuously innovate to address market demands. Our system monitors and alerts you to new competitor tactics and product introductions. We provide actionable insights that help you respond to changes, keeping you agile, in control, and, more importantly, profit-focused.

What product should I sell? And at what price?

Understanding consumer and market demands is hard, and choosing the right products and their prices is incredibly challenging. Our proprietary algorithms sift through extensive market data to identify the most successful product offerings and price points.

What do end customers think about my products?

Companies often lose track of what their customers think about their products. Eventually, market acceptance helps maintain or enhance market standing. We use ML techniques to extract reliable consumer insights from a wide variety of sources.

Classic examples of corporates that didn't pay attention

Competitive territories are changing, and below are some classic cases of unnoticed competitive vulnerabilities that redrew the competitive landscape.

Automotive Industry

BYD, Tesla, and Uber have chaged consumer behavior and shifted market share.

Information Retrieval

Alphabet shares have dropped after Perlexity AI and OpenAI have come in.


Modern payment systems are giving legacy players a hard time.


Digital-first platforms have changed the market share pie-chart, forever.


Reed Hastings declared that in 2032 linear TV will officially die. Seems true.

Car Rental

Once dominant players are now rapidly getting replaced by disruptive tech players.


Executives shouldn't waste time gathering scattered intelligence. Our platform centralizes critical insights, helping leaders make informed decisions quickly and avoid organizational pitfalls.


Product development demands foresight and agility. Our system acts as an early warning tool, enabling product teams to anticipate market shifts and strategize effectively against competitor moves.


Intelligence professionals need to focus on high-value analysis, not data gathering. We streamline the collection, tracking and analysis process, freeing up your time for strategic thinking and impactful insights.


Marketers face constant pressure to stay ahead. Our platform delivers targeted market intelligence, providing the data needed to craft winning strategies and optimize campaign performance.

Ignorance is not always bliss.

Examples of leaders underestimating competitors and market shifts, serving as cautionary tales that highlight the importance of staying vigilant and informed.

"Five hundred dollars? Fully subsidized? With a plan? I said that is the most expensive phone in the world, And it doesn't appeal to business customers because it doesn't have a keyboard. Which makes it not a very good email machine."

Steve Balmer, Former Microsoft CEO

"Neither RedBox nor Netflix are even on the radar screen in terms of competition"

Jim Keyes, Blockbuster CEO, 2008.

"Google's not a real company. It's a house of cards."

Steve Balme, Former Microsoft CEO

“We do not believe our vendors selling product directly on Amazon is an imminent threat. There is no indication that any of our vendors intend to sell premium athletic product, $100-plus sneakers that we offer, directly via that sort of distribution channel.”

Richard Johnson, Footlocker  CEO

“The development of mobile phones will follow a similar path to that followed by PCs. Even with the Mac, Apple attracted a lot of attention at first, but they have remained a niche manufacturer. That will be their role in mobile phones as well.”

Anssi Vanjoki, Chief Strategy Officer

How we help you.

Look beyond the 4-walls of your organization

We help you look beyond the four walls of your organization. First, we identify your competitors and the sources of information to track. Second, we put our platform to work to track that data. Third, we use our algorithmic techniques to clean, process, and analyze that data. Fourth and finally, we add an insights layer on top of this data that helps determine when/if/how to act on the results.

Exponential data is now available online

Today, Products, Prices, and People are all online first. That means more data about every business is available online, so we can use our proprietary algorithms to extract the actionable signals that matter to you.

Get market insights in moments, not months

We process terabytes of data across millions of data points, delivering actionable intelligence in very little time that would otherwise require weeks of research and a substantial budget.

Provide anticipatory signals for humans in the loop

Our platform provides timely, and high-quality insights that ensure decisions within your organization are data-informed, human-decided, and anticipatory in nature - so that you can maintain your competitive standing. Let's make it clear - we are not a replacement for people, top-tier consulting or research firms. We augment them.

Look beyond clicks, visits and app installations to know consumers, please.

Move beyond superficial metrics and track actual consumer spending and behaviours. This provides a deep understanding of what drives purchases.

Yes, we can customize solutions for you

If you prefer to view custom data points in a particular manner, we can build a custom solution that sits on top of our proprietary systems to obtain and synthesize the data tailored to your needs.

Do not bring a knife to a gunfight

Archaic methods put you at a disadvantage. Today's experiments become tomorrow's problems.

“Let me do some desktop research”

No doubt, this is rich with information, but only if you know the questions to ask. Also, search engines give you results for web pages that have been “SEO-optimized”. Your answers might be sitting elsewhere. Too often, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Cognitive overwhelm

The volume of information available is far too great, beyond human cognition, for one to process valuable data without the risk of missing or skipping vital pointers. Sometimes simple information is often sunk in 1000 page reports and presentations.

Slow, ad-hoc and incomplete

Very often the market intelligence is ad-hoc after revenue numbers were weak and the senior leadership is upset, which is followed by using data that is incomplete, at a time that is lagging behind actual market movements. At such tough corners, instead of booking another conference room to discuss yet another presentation with your team - it is important to cut through the noise and get to the point.

Case study
How we solved for eBay.

PEC Australia reached out to develop a CI tool to solve three precise issues:
1. Identify identical products being sold at lower prices by competitors.
2. Spot popular products that competitors sell but are missing from their inventory.
3. Assess which shared brands are selling in higher volumes through competitors, specifically pinpointing the exact products driving these sales.

Increase in revenue
High-Demand SKUs Added
Increase in products sold YoY
Spots jumped in ranking

What our clients say.

"They impressed us with their professionalism and ability to simplify complex topics, making idea exchange straightforward. Their work not only met but exceeded our expectations."

Dr. Lorenzo Tamagnone
CI in Healthcare

"Worked with the team to help understand how competition in the Balkan region were pricing their services, and marketing themselves. In addition, they developed a custom web app for data analytics, and on implementing some of the suggested actionables our revenue increased by 12% and ATV by 17%. They are reliable and a dependable young team."

Mikan Rajkovic
CI in Travel

"In short, they are dependable professionals. They built us a CI tool to optimise our product positioning and pricing across various marketplaces. Additionally, they developed a RecSys for our e-Commerce platform which led to reduced churn and increased user engagement. CTR has increased by north of 25%. Our team is very satisfied with the outcome."

Katherine Muller
CI in e-Commerce