Meet Indications

We provide businesses with competitor insights and actionable intelligence.

At Indications, we separate signal from the noise - to us clarity is primary. We provide clear insights from billions of data nuggets available, to help you make business decisions that are informed, straightforward, and free from confusion. When we don't know the answers, we do not convince or confuse, but rather investigate for you, and come back with clear responses.

Users touched by
our solutions in
13 countries
Years in delivering
large scale robust
applications - that work!
Value generated
for our clients
Clients across
multiple geographies

How did Indications come about?

At Indications, our desire for clarity drives everything we do. We started developing machine learning solutions for a diverse range of clients, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Among these solutions, our competitive intelligence tool quickly became a favorite. Seeing the value it brought, we focused on improving and iterating on this platform, developing a product that is capable of processing terabytes of data from a wide array of sources - to provide value that matters.

We own your problems and pull your growth levers.

Partner with hands-on specialists and published authors in social, computational, and data sciences.

Results-first approach.

Not blind action. We focus on the final objective and let that guide how we approach the problem.

High autonomy.

Nil dependency. We require minimal input and avoid overwhelming you with technical nuances. We keep you informed at all times and drive the project independently.

Deeply experienced.

Not tinkerers. We understand different parts of the problem and execute strong software protocols. This makes your data solutions scalable and secure.

Strong peer group.

Not limited by skills. When we don’t know something, we consult peer software engineers, researchers, and data scientists from Google, Tesla, Meta, Spotify, Amazon, EPFL, and MIT.