What are your sources of data?

We are often asked about the origins of our data. Below, we enlist diverse sources from which our platform extracts valuable information, to help you make data-informed decisions.

Mobile and Desktop App Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Search Engines, Content and Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Blogs

Cryptocurrencies Supported Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Legal and Financial Databases

Financial Filings, Courts, SEC, Trademarks, Patents, Government Grants, Clinical Trials

Earnings Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Competitor Websites

These includes the following pages: Product, Management, Pricing, Event, Press, Support

Bit Security Encription Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

Review Sites, Industry Insights and Events

Capterra, Gartner, G2 Crowd, TrustRadius, Trade Shows, Conferences, Webinars, User Meetings, Associations, Analyst Firms

World Class Support Icon - Starter X Webflow Template

News and Corporate Updates

Press Releases, News Articles, Company Blogs

Automate Payments - Starter X Webflow Template

People Data

Indeed, LinkedIn, Resumes, Employment Reports